hasbu: Niilo
hasbu: Engineers baking
hasbu: Niilo
hasbu: Niilo thought Santa was a little scary
hasbu: Exciting...
hasbu: Niilo and Santa
hasbu: Niilo and Santa
hasbu: Niilo
hasbu: Niilo, grandma and grandpa
hasbu: Best part of baking
hasbu: Noms!
hasbu: Lassi
hasbu: Lassi and Santa
hasbu: Lassi and Santa
hasbu: Santa, Lassi and cousin Aatto
hasbu: Santa, Lassi and cousin Aatto
hasbu: Anything for me?
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Lassi and cousin Aatto
hasbu: Lassi and cousin Aatto
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Aatto
hasbu: Freezing Christmas but oh so pretty!