Harvey Dogson: Old Man of Coniston in Autumn...
Harvey Dogson: The Erd'wick...
Harvey Dogson: The Slipway...
Harvey Dogson: Passing Posts...
Harvey Dogson: Moving Posts...
Harvey Dogson: The Wet Moorings...
Harvey Dogson: Reflections...
Harvey Dogson: Moonlight...
Harvey Dogson: Bracken View...
Harvey Dogson: Reflections...
Harvey Dogson: The Pier....
Harvey Dogson: The Coppice Brooke...
Harvey Dogson: Frosty Shadows...
Harvey Dogson: Old Man of Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Lakeland View Nr. Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Lakeland View Nr. Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Tarn Hows Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Lakeland View Nr Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Tarn Hows Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: The Dancing Tree...
Harvey Dogson: Woodland Brook...
Harvey Dogson: Lakeland View Nr Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Frosty Morning...
Harvey Dogson: Coniston Cumbria...
Harvey Dogson: Morecambe Bay Sun Setting...
Harvey Dogson: Sun Setting over Morecambe Bay
Harvey Dogson: Ullswater...
Harvey Dogson: Ullswater...
Harvey Dogson: Coniston...
Harvey Dogson: Ullswater...