harve64: Piasa bird
harve64: Lincoln-Douglas Square
harve64: Abraham Lincoln
harve64: Lovejoy Monument
harve64: Clark Bridge
harve64: Missouri welcomes you
harve64: Argosy casino
harve64: Alton
harve64: Memorial to dead Confederate soldiers
harve64: Drowned tree
harve64: Clark Bridge
harve64: Clark Bridge
harve64: Illinois, Land of Lincoln
harve64: 3rd Street, Alton
harve64: 3rd Street, Alton
harve64: Guns, ammo, gold, diamonds and loans
harve64: Riverbender
harve64: SS Peter and Paul Church, Alton, Illinois
harve64: State Street, Alton
harve64: Welcome to Alton
harve64: 'Jesus is the Answer!'
harve64: Alton
harve64: Alton mural
harve64: Clark Bridge
harve64: Clark Bridge, Alton