harve64: My bike
harve64: Swan's nest
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Hazelhatch
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Grand Canal
harve64: Sallins
harve64: Memorial to Ned Cash
harve64: Robertstown
harve64: Barrow Line
harve64: Ballyteague Castle
harve64: Along the Barrow Way
harve64: Along the Barrow Way
harve64: Barge on the canal
harve64: Barrow Line, Grand Canal
harve64: Barrow Line, Grand Canal
harve64: Moore's Bridge at Monasterevin
harve64: Moore's Bridge, Monasterevin
harve64: Moore's Bridge, Monasterevin
harve64: Grand Canal, Monasterevin