Shipment update on June 15.
Shipment update on June 15.
Shipment update on June 15.
Total 6 magnets in a head were inserted.
10 dolls in 3 colors completed cast.
Sweetfairytale's dolls cast.
Sweetfairytale's dolls cast.
Harucasting's WIP on May 20. We've cut the silicon molds which we made 2 days ago and waited until firm. Finally, the 1st dolls are going to be cast in the new molds tomorrow.
Harucasting's WIP on May 18. We've made acrylic frames and poured silicon in. The silicon molds are going to be cut 2 days later and the 1st cast dolls would be updated in this week. Thanks and have a nice day! =)
Harucasting's WIP on May 18. We've made acrylic frames and poured silicon in. The silicon molds are going to be cut 2 days later and the 1st cast dolls would be updated in this week. Thanks and have a nice day! =)
Harucasting's WIP on May 14. We have put the prototypes on the acrylic board and have cast some color samples to send to all who will ask to us. But we will have to make much more silicon molds for making samples. Thanks. =)
Harucasting's WIP on May 14. We have put the prototypes on the acrylic board and have cast some color samples to send to all who will ask to us. But we will have to make much more silicon molds for making samples. Thanks. =)
Harucasting's WIP on May 13. A prototype 9.5 cm tall and is sculptured by ASweetFairytale-Feadoll in Flicker arrived on 12th and we checked all up that they were the careful double wrapping, surface without any damages and channels which we don't ne
Harucasting's WIP on May 13. A prototype 9.5 cm tall and is sculptured by ASweetFairytale-Feadoll in Flicker arrived on 12th and we checked all up that they were the careful double wrapping, surface without any damages and channels which we don't ne
Harucasting's WIP on May 13. A prototype 9.5 cm tall and is sculptured by ASweetFairytale-Feadoll in Flicker arrived on 12th and we checked all up that they were the careful double wrapping, surface without any damages and channels which we don't ne