harucasting: The package is ready to ship out.
harucasting: The package is ready to ship out.
harucasting: The package is ready to ship out.
harucasting: The package is ready to ship out.
harucasting: The package is ready to ship out.
harucasting: 15 heads cast so far.
harucasting: color comparison
harucasting: The 1st cast Dollgru's #15 head.
harucasting: Harucasting's WIP on June 2.
harucasting: Harucasting's WIP on May 28 to 31.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.
harucasting: Dollgru's #15 head has arrived.