howker: IMGP0277
howker: IMGP6199reduced
howker: cucumber tree
howker: cherry blossom
howker: IMGP0272
howker: Shiro
howker: Nishiki
howker: A Morning in Spring
howker: Japanese Quince ボケ
howker: Cucumber Tree 木蓮
howker: Chili Pepper in the Barn
howker: Young lady - Chinese quince カリン
howker: rape blossoms
howker: The death and the life ---- A flower of camellia japonica and a caterpillar
howker: Orychophragmus violaceus--ムラサキハナナ
howker: Morning Glory
howker: Pretty Frog
howker: Manjushage and Tombstone in Rain
howker: Manjushage in the Rain
howker: IMGP6130REDUCED
howker: Erigeron philadelphicus--ハルジオン
howker: Wisteria
howker: A sunset in a field
howker: a half blown dandelion
howker: Wisteria Garden
howker: A twilight in the potato field.
howker: young stalk of leek
howker: A twiligtht at my field.
howker: Soaproot
howker: Weigela coraeensis