ukslim: Stockton marina
ukslim: Debbie at a lock gate
ukslim: Top of the Stockton Flight
ukslim: Looking down the Stockton Flight
ukslim: Overflowing lock
ukslim: Icy canal
ukslim: Thick ice
ukslim: The Blue Lias
ukslim: Drifting ice
ukslim: Happy tillerman's seat
ukslim: Paul's boatmanship
ukslim: Flash on ice
ukslim: Blue Lias pub sign, early light
ukslim: Paintwork and icy roof
ukslim: Porthole
ukslim: Frosty scene
ukslim: Hexagon
ukslim: Frosty Stella
ukslim: Bridge framing
ukslim: Frosty tables
ukslim: Icy rope
ukslim: Even thicker ice
ukslim: Men arrive
ukslim: Simon and Ed at the helm
ukslim: Paul: master of all he surveys.
ukslim: Floating digger
ukslim: Bridge
ukslim: At the prow
ukslim: Swan
ukslim: Icebreaking