harthillsouth: red with shadows of leaves
harthillsouth: a little barn
harthillsouth: made from my A. Butler book
harthillsouth: orange details
harthillsouth: miss yellow
harthillsouth: yellow package for the sparrow
harthillsouth: bits of yellow
harthillsouth: tunnel for Ella
harthillsouth: yellow package!
harthillsouth: yellow details
harthillsouth: yellow details
harthillsouth: the haul
harthillsouth: the green package
harthillsouth: i made it
harthillsouth: from sparrow
harthillsouth: bits o' green
harthillsouth: gingham
harthillsouth: scottie napkins
harthillsouth: scottie napkins
harthillsouth: blues on the line
harthillsouth: blue calico
harthillsouth: patchwork apron
harthillsouth: patchwork apron
harthillsouth: patchwork apron
harthillsouth: bluebirds enjoy seed-cakes
harthillsouth: the blues
harthillsouth: potholder
harthillsouth: bear in a chair