harthillsouth: new bath
harthillsouth: new sink
harthillsouth: kitchen counter
harthillsouth: Rot and a hole to the outside
harthillsouth: Shingles
harthillsouth: A small taste of a very bad day
harthillsouth: Rotten shower wall
harthillsouth: The worst sight ever
harthillsouth: Marcelino
harthillsouth: Hole to the outside
harthillsouth: new floor
harthillsouth: New wall
harthillsouth: Shower wall from laundry room
harthillsouth: Shower wall
harthillsouth: New walls and ceiling
harthillsouth: back wall
harthillsouth: shower head
harthillsouth: rotten wall behind missing tile
harthillsouth: Wall buckling
harthillsouth: seriously?