{Danny.Hart}: A Curious Turn
{Danny.Hart}: Patapsco River Rocks
{Danny.Hart}: Daido Roshi would be proud
{Danny.Hart}: Buttercup in early spring bloom
{Danny.Hart}: Cascade Falls, found cairn
{Danny.Hart}: Cascade Falls, black and white
{Danny.Hart}: Woodstock Rd Bridge
{Danny.Hart}: Ice formations
{Danny.Hart}: Ice on Japanese Maple
{Danny.Hart}: Howard County Barn
{Danny.Hart}: Under the EC Bridge
{Danny.Hart}: EC Bridge
{Danny.Hart}: 2014.01.22_patapsco-snow001
{Danny.Hart}: 2014.01.22_patapsco-snow002
{Danny.Hart}: 2014.01.22_patapsco-snow003
{Danny.Hart}: ...hundreds of ways to kneel
{Danny.Hart}: Come to the woods....
{Danny.Hart}: Ice dance
{Danny.Hart}: Patapsco River, February 22, 2015
{Danny.Hart}: pattern
{Danny.Hart}: Grist Mill Trail Fog
{Danny.Hart}: CSX Bridge at Ilchester Rocks over the Patapsco River
{Danny.Hart}: Rockburn Branch-3
{Danny.Hart}: Rockburn Branch-3
{Danny.Hart}: Rockburn Branch-2
{Danny.Hart}: Trails...
{Danny.Hart}: A Path Through the Cedars
{Danny.Hart}: Morning Choice-2
{Danny.Hart}: Morning Choice-1 / Cedar Run
{Danny.Hart}: Stil Clinging