Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Harry as a city photographer
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Beer en Beerin waren op urbex in Beelitz!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Harry op Duits broodsafari!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Beer en Beerin zijn zojuist lid geworden van het Schnitzelgenootschap!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Two beers in Bearlin!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Harry haalt de krant!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Op weg naar Beerlijn!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Architecture as garbage
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Old skool gas light, still working
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Math and propaganda, a fine combination
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: She's so happy with her train!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Holocaust monument
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Holocaust monument
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: How birds see trains
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: I'm not in control ...
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Just for educational purpose
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Follow the yellow line
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Die Antwort auf seine Frage