Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: opening C|O Berlin
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: café Kornfeld, Dahlem, Berlin!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: great architecture by Mies von der Rohe! Berlin!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Museum for photography, Berlin. Forbidden photo!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: another forbidden photo in the photo museum of Berlin!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Eine Berliner Freundin für Harry!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: so happy together!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Staircase for Netream, Ephraim Palais, Berlin.
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: finally Harry got up the Fernsehturm!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: wieder downstairs!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: this one is for Blunder!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Auf wiedersehen! Harry war ein Berliner für 4 tagen!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Immer wieder Bad Bentheim.
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: the result of a very cultural short stay in Berlin!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: fresh flowers in the office!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Sunday sadness, time to Flickr!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Today's view from my work spot!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: floating Volvo, on my way to today's workspot!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: niet echt "what you read is what you get"
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: frozen shopping carts, Landmarkt Schellingwoude.
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: YmmY, made by me!!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Harry was erbij!! #RAWArtFair
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: reflective art by Sigrid van Essel, galery Bel Etage Amsterdam.
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: art in the office!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: stilleven met aardappels, knoflook en lemmet op hout
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: huge buddy icon on my desktop!!!