Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: met de originele doos!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: nieuwste trotse aanwinst!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: breaking up is hard to do ...
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: FlickrMeet, fotolijn NVBS/SNE
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Trix Express railway modelling.
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Harry's new vintage Mercedes
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: A new tram for Neustadt!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Original milk bus, guest performance by Amsterdam Rail! Cows inside!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: guest performance by Amsterdam Rail
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Amsterdam Rail's bus guest performance!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Melkbus, guest performance by Amsterdam Rail
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: on the platform, waiting for a train to come
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: just a nice detail
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: overview with crane
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: overview, Neustadt railway station
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: railbusses at Neustadt railway station
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: magnetic Märklin crane
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Testritten! testing!
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: Luchtfoto - Aerial
Harry -[ The Travel ]- Marmot: de Beierse fanfare!!