harry de haan, the cameraman: sunset at Longford Creek in North Queensland -------IMG_20200817_174542~2_edited2
harry de haan, the cameraman: towards the end of the day ------- IMG_20200817_175431~2
harry de haan, the cameraman: sunset at Longford Creek in North Queensland ------- IMG_20200817_174542_2
harry de haan, the cameraman: View from the SoQ --------------- IMG-4946
harry de haan, the cameraman: North Queensland sunset ------------------- IMG-5005 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: windmill ----- DSC_2667_e
harry de haan, the cameraman: Shades of Green in Far North Queensland ------ DSC_2615_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: lone windmill ---- DSC_2615_
harry de haan, the cameraman: Ingham ---- DSC_2655
harry de haan, the cameraman: Cane fields FNQ ----DSC_2728
harry de haan, the cameraman: Sugar Cane fields, North Queensland ------- IMG-4870_
harry de haan, the cameraman: Sunset in North Queensland ------IMG-4982
harry de haan, the cameraman: Far North Queensland ----- DSC_3341
harry de haan, the cameraman: The Great Dividing Range, Far North Queensland ---- DSC_2644_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: North Queensland ---- IMG-4977_
harry de haan, the cameraman: The Coral Sea -------------- DSC_4861 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: Burdekin River Rail Bridge ------ Picture 004_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: Hinchinbrook Island, North Queensland ------ DSC_6350 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: canefields North Queensland ------ IMG-4877_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: Coral Sea, Cardwell, North Queensland ---------DSC_6317 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: North Queensland, just South of Bowen ------ IMG-5005_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: harsh light in North Queensland ----------- IMG-4982_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: IMG-1153 & IMG-1154
harry de haan, the cameraman: This is Australia --------- DSC_9635_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: Roos in the paddock in tropical North Queensland ------ DSC_7334 (2)_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: This is AUSTRALIA ------- DSC_9616_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: Palm frond ----- DSC_6272 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: Hinchinbrook Island , (Version 2)
harry de haan, the cameraman: The Great Dividing Range -------------- DSC_2498 (2)