harry de haan, the cameraman: the Burdekin River photographed from the Spirit of Queensland train ----- IMG_20200817_161036_2_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: This is AUSTRALIA -------------- DSC_9674_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman: Dry Season ----- DSC03195
harry de haan, the cameraman: the Dry Season -----TSV-ISA 278_e
harry de haan, the cameraman: flood levels over the years --------- DSC03191
harry de haan, the cameraman: Flood Height ------ DSC03193
harry de haan, the cameraman: Flood heights for Burdekin River in Outback Queensland ---- DSC03192
harry de haan, the cameraman: the Burdekin Dam in Outback Queensland ----------- DSC03026
harry de haan, the cameraman: Burdekin River Rail Bridge ------ Picture 004_edited