harry de haan, the cameraman:
Camel Country -------------------- DSC_3045_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman:
The Summerland Camels Farm ---------------- DSC_3023
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Camel Country ------------ DSC_3051_
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Baby Camel --------------- DSC_3024
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Little Humpty's place setting ------------------ 201909271127_COVER
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Little Humpty's veranda -------------- IMG_20190927_110216_1
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Little Humpty ---------------- DSC_3050
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Little Humpty's entrance ------------- DSC_2930
harry de haan, the cameraman:
reflections -------------- 20190927112-COVER (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman:
The Barn ------------------- DSC_3037 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman:
fenced in shed ----------- DSC_3002
harry de haan, the cameraman:
camel farm --------- DSC_2972
harry de haan, the cameraman:
curious dog -----------DSC_3053_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman:
curious camel ------------------ DSC_2926_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Basket from K-Mart-------- IMG_20190925_093712
harry de haan, the cameraman:
Tin, Timber & Fences --------------- DSC_2968
harry de haan, the cameraman:
the rural view ---------------------------- MVIMG_20190927_111227 (2)
harry de haan, the cameraman:
harry de haan, the cameraman:
The Barn ---------------- DSC_3038
harry de haan, the cameraman:
living on a camel farm ---------------- DSC_3039
harry de haan, the cameraman:
The Doors -------------------- DSC_3054
harry de haan, the cameraman:
The Verandah --------IMG_20190927_111234
harry de haan, the cameraman:
out on the camel farm ------------------IMG_20190927_113847
harry de haan, the cameraman:
out on the camel farm --------------------IMG_20190927_115446_edited
harry de haan, the cameraman:
"Quiet Time" on the veranda ---------------- MVIMG_20190927_110440