Harris Center for Conservation Education: Sprucing Up the Cadot Trail
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Untangling Oriental Bittersweet
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Now That's a Lot of Invasive Plants
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Conducting a Road Mortality Survey
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Examining a Roadkilled Frog
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Great Blue Heron on Beaver Dam
Harris Center for Conservation Education: white-tailed deer near Route 123.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting porcupine road mortality.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: collecting a tissue sample.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Forest Community Inventory training.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: Alex braves the mosquitoes to document a vernal pool.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: spotted salamander eggs: evidence of breeding by vernal pool species!
Harris Center for Conservation Education: one of 21 vernal pools documented on Harris Center lands by KSC conservation interns.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: one of 21 vernal pools documented on Harris Center lands by KSC conservation interns.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: roadkilled porcupine on Route 123.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: gray tree frog (alive!) encountered during a night survey on Route 123.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting road mortality on Route 123.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting amphibian road mortality.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting road mortality.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting snake road mortality.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: documenting a roadside vernal pool.
Harris Center for Conservation Education: the Harris Center-KSC Ecological Survey Team
Harris Center for Conservation Education: not all the animals on 123 were roadkill!