harribobs: I've done my hair
harribobs: pup portrait
harribobs: excuse me!
harribobs: who? me?
harribobs: keeping an eye on her..
harribobs: 3/365 sneaking up on stan
harribobs: i'm going to kill that monkey
harribobs: 11/365 hey! get off my beer!
harribobs: 19/365 puppy portrait time
harribobs: my first bath
harribobs: Lulu, 6 months old now
harribobs: i don't like the flashgun!
harribobs: pup portrait 2
harribobs: primeval terrier
harribobs: the odd couple, part one
harribobs: the odd couple, part two
harribobs: the odd couple, part three
harribobs: derby day
harribobs: one scruffy dog in the snow