Harpo42: Randy's Netted Helmet
Harpo42: Smoker
Harpo42: Early Morning at the Hives
Harpo42: Smoking Out the Bees
Harpo42: Hive Dismantling
Harpo42: What's Inside the Hive
Harpo42: Bees on a Blanket
Harpo42: The Bees Head Back
Harpo42: Bridges to the Hives
Harpo42: The First Drop Off
Harpo42: Frame Removal
Harpo42: Brush Demonstration
Harpo42: Brushing Away the Bees
Harpo42: Brushing Away the Bees
Harpo42: Curious Seniors
Harpo42: Thousands of Bees - 176/365 - 06/25/2010
Harpo42: Bee Fans
Harpo42: Bee Blower
Harpo42: Rush Hour on the Bee Bridge
Harpo42: Randy is a Brave Man
Harpo42: A Full Frame
Harpo42: Blowing More Bees
Harpo42: Honeycomb Tub
Harpo42: Bee Cells
Harpo42: Honey Centrifuge
Harpo42: Removing the Wax
Harpo42: Wax Cap Removal
Harpo42: Honey!
Harpo42: Triple Filtered Honey
Harpo42: Honey Dripping