harold.whatever: 19th century mikva, Zichron Yaachov, Israel
harold.whatever: Coffee Nili, Zichron Yaachov, Israel
harold.whatever: Shopping path, Zichron Yaachov, Israel
harold.whatever: Sushi Haos, Zichron Yaachov, Israel
harold.whatever: Promenade to Midron Yafo Park, Yafo, Israel
harold.whatever: The Lockup, Yafo Port, Israel
harold.whatever: Tel Aviv, Israel
harold.whatever: Magen Avraham Street, Yafo, Israel
harold.whatever: Night shopping, Tiberius, Israel
harold.whatever: Hanging out, Jaffa, Israel
harold.whatever: Night shop
harold.whatever: Selfie, Tiberius, Israel
harold.whatever: House of Gabriel Cohen, Tiberius, Israel
harold.whatever: Synagogue, Medieval Jewish Quarter, Tiberius, Israel
harold.whatever: Market stall, Tiberius, Israel
harold.whatever: The Golan across the Kinneret, Israel
harold.whatever: Tank in the rose garden, Deganya Aleph, Israel
harold.whatever: Pasta Chef, Ugata Bakery, Kibbutz Kinneret, Israel
harold.whatever: Cut my food
harold.whatever: Building a new neighbourhood, Tirat HaCarmel, Haifa, Israel
harold.whatever: The Cow Shed, Kibbutz Kinneret, Israel
harold.whatever: North Jordan Valley, Deganya, Israel
harold.whatever: Coffee before shopping, Qiriat Ata Kenyon, Zevulun, Israel
harold.whatever: Waiting for tea, Kiriat Ata Kenyon, Kiriat Ata, Israel
harold.whatever: Hill near Nazareth, HaSolelim, Israel
harold.whatever: Kadarim Restaurant, South Haifa Beach, Haifa, Israel
harold.whatever: Fishing, South Haifa Beach, Haifa, Israel
harold.whatever: Shades, South Haifa Beach, Haifa, Israel
harold.whatever: Kids in the water, South Haifa Beach, Haifa, Israel
harold.whatever: Steps, South Haifa Beach, Haifa, Israel