Harmony Rising: Arriving at Angkor Wat
Harmony Rising: Venus over temple
Harmony Rising: Visitors leaving
Harmony Rising: Ancient walls
Harmony Rising: Sunset across Angkor moat
Harmony Rising: Almost dusk at Angkor Wat
Harmony Rising: Statues, balloon and stalls
Harmony Rising: War scene
Harmony Rising: Elephant
Harmony Rising: Two faces, Bayon
Harmony Rising: three faces, Bayon
Harmony Rising: Many faces, Bayon
Harmony Rising: Reflecting pool
Harmony Rising: 5D3L3320
Harmony Rising: Palace pool
Harmony Rising: Elephant terrace
Harmony Rising: Temple tree
Harmony Rising: Strangler fig
Harmony Rising: Tiny temple in the distance
Harmony Rising: Relaxing
Harmony Rising: Neak Pean
Harmony Rising: Temple-ready shoes
Harmony Rising: Visitors, reflected
Harmony Rising: Black and cream