Harmony Rising: Boss from Hailes Abbey
Harmony Rising: Genuinely free range
Harmony Rising: path by Offa's Dyke
Harmony Rising: Tintern Abbey from Offa's Dyke
Harmony Rising: Devil's Pulpit
Harmony Rising: Blackberry
Harmony Rising: Web and water drops
Harmony Rising: Unlikely passenger
Harmony Rising: Above the west doorway
Harmony Rising: To south transept door and high altar
Harmony Rising: South Transept towards north and night stairs
Harmony Rising: Tinterm Abbey
Harmony Rising: Burrowing (or should that be biting?) owl
Harmony Rising: Grey buzzard eagle
Harmony Rising: Butterfly
Harmony Rising: Ural owl
Harmony Rising: Coming in
Harmony Rising: Hovering at a distance
Harmony Rising: 6E8A9836
Harmony Rising: New Zeland falcon in training
Harmony Rising: Steppe / golden hybrid