Harmony Jstone: Seeing Heather for the first time in a year
Harmony Jstone: London at night
Harmony Jstone: Vegan Tea made just for me at Ampersand
Harmony Jstone: So happy
Harmony Jstone: Bar at Ampersand
Harmony Jstone: Pick up Hope at Heathrow and we went straight to Nice
Harmony Jstone: Walking to Heather's office to catch a bus to the airport
Harmony Jstone: Look out point
Harmony Jstone: Looking at Monaco from the top of a mountain
Harmony Jstone: Forgot my fear of heights
Harmony Jstone: Sundown looking towards Nice
Harmony Jstone: We stopped in a little village to get groceries for dinner
Harmony Jstone: Wine and cheese night that ended up being rum and couscous
Harmony Jstone: Hope and cats
Harmony Jstone: sunrise on the balcony
Harmony Jstone: Le Riviera
Harmony Jstone: walking around Monaco
Harmony Jstone: Glitter shorts at the most beautiful train station in Monaco
Harmony Jstone: desserts
Harmony Jstone: Sugar makes everything better
Harmony Jstone: Up to no good
Harmony Jstone: Driving up the hill like To Catch a Theif
Harmony Jstone: Walkway to the sea
Harmony Jstone: evening walk
Harmony Jstone: Walking around the coast