Andrea Kang:
My custom SAINTS (Red + Gold) available online now @myplasticheart or please DM if interested 👀👀
Andrea Kang:
#Repost NYCC has started! 👀👀
Andrea Kang:
+ Saints +
Andrea Kang:
+ Saints +
Andrea Kang:
✛ Saints ✛
Andrea Kang:
✛ Saints ✛
Andrea Kang:
Sneak peek of one of my custom Trikky’s for NY Comic Con, Oct. 6-9th, will be available @myplasticheart, booth #113
Andrea Kang:
New customs in the works for @myplasticheart 👀
Andrea Kang:
#Repost @fluffyhouse00 So happy to have been part of this show! Love how everyone's Dyno's turned out...thanks so much for sharing!! 🐻💞
Andrea Kang:
My custom #Dyno being displayed at the #Fluffyhouse solo exhibition @everydaymooonday Gallery Seoul. Show runs until June 12th
Andrea Kang:
✖Little Illuminati✖ My custom #Dyno figure for the @fluffyhouse00 solo exhibition opening this Sat. April 16th @everydaymooonday, Seoul
Andrea Kang:
✖Little Illuminati✖ My custom #Dyno for an upcoming show @everydaymooonday
Andrea Kang:
Sneak peek of my custom #Dyno for an upcoming show @everydaymooonday Gallery, Seoul
Andrea Kang:
Tiny heart ♡
Andrea Kang:
#repost @jw1976 Thanks for sharing! Happy they all found a loving home!! 🐻✌
Andrea Kang:
#Repost ✚Black Magic✚
Andrea Kang:
My custom Black Magic dunny will be showing at the 2nd Annual #DTAdunnyshow opening tomorrow Jan. 9th - Feb. 5th at Clutter Gallery @cluttergallery @kidrobot. Can't wait to see the rest of them!! ♡
Andrea Kang:
✚Black Magic✚
Andrea Kang:
#wip for next month’s 2nd Annual #DTADunnyShow @cluttermagazine in partnership with @kidrobot
Andrea Kang:
Night sketches for the #DTADunnyShow @kidrobot @cluttermagazine
Andrea Kang:
✖Bad Seed Bears✖ Grey + Blue available now @martiantoys, $225 each
Andrea Kang:
Bad Seed Bears
Andrea Kang:
Bad Seed Bears, my custom figures for #DCon available in a couple of weeks @martian_toys
Andrea Kang:
#Repost My custom Woot Bear, The Fortune-Teller, thanks @steveferrera for the beautiful shot! ・・・ Custom Woot Bear figure by Andrea Kang @harlow_bear.
Andrea Kang:
Another shot of my custom Woot Bear, The Fortune-Teller, for @steveferrera show opening this Sat. Nov 7th 6-9p @wootbearbelly
Andrea Kang:
The fortune-teller, my custom for @steveferrera upcoming show @wootbearbelly
Andrea Kang:
#wip for @steveferrera upcoming show @wootbearbelly
Andrea Kang:
Starting a new custom for @steveferrera's upcoming show @wootbearbelly
Andrea Kang:
Last custom #qeebear for #dcon..all 3 will be available @martian_toys
Andrea Kang:
Pink #qeebear for #dcon..will be available @martian_toys