hardhatMAK: Ride the Skokie Swift
hardhatMAK: Tight Squeeze on the Orange Line
hardhatMAK: Howard Street via Subway
hardhatMAK: CTA 52
hardhatMAK: CTA Trains at O'Hare Airport Station
hardhatMAK: CTA 24 (1947 Pullman Standard Electric M.U. Skokie Swift)
hardhatMAK: CTA 2643 on Douglas branch (1983)
hardhatMAK: CTA 2201 @ River Road station Rosemont IL (1983)
hardhatMAK: To Trains
hardhatMAK: Ravenswood A train
hardhatMAK: CTA 2609 on Douglas branch (1983)
hardhatMAK: Take the A Train
hardhatMAK: CTA train approaching Clinton-Lake station
hardhatMAK: CTA 2705
hardhatMAK: CTA trains @ Rosemont Shops, IL (1983)