harbx: Group picture before we started
harbx: DSC01179
harbx: DSC01180
harbx: DSC01182
harbx: DSC01182
harbx: DSC01185
harbx: DSC01187
harbx: Climbing sideways is not easy
harbx: DSC01192
harbx: Ron almost to the top.
harbx: Almost there!
harbx: Rebecca holding onto Nicole
harbx: DSC01202
harbx: I think I was stuck.
harbx: Rebecca holding onto Patrick
harbx: DSC01208
harbx: Patrick and Rebecca, our marshall.
harbx: DSC01211
harbx: Ron - kang kang pose
harbx: DSC01224
harbx: DSC01225
harbx: Group pic with Rebecca our marshall
harbx: DSC01231
harbx: DSC01232
harbx: DSC01233
harbx: DSC01234
harbx: Sink - in the changing room
harbx: Inside the Changing Room