Harbort, The One: Armory in the West Edmonton Mall
Harbort, The One: A whole boat in the mall
Harbort, The One: An ice rink, full size, in the center of the mall
Harbort, The One: The new art gallery of Edmonton
Harbort, The One: The Town Hall
Harbort, The One: The girls and the worker
Harbort, The One: Working in tandem
Harbort, The One: Lazy Anne-Laure
Harbort, The One: The Albertan Parliament
Harbort, The One: The Saskatoon River
Harbort, The One: Bike and pedestrian bridge
Harbort, The One: Still frozen in March ...
Harbort, The One: A forest in the center of Edmonton?
Harbort, The One: Downtown Edmonton
Harbort, The One: Canadian's humor
Harbort, The One: Beaver Construction
Harbort, The One: The beavers
Harbort, The One: A Really Big Beaver
Harbort, The One: Birds in a not so frozen lake