happyskrappy: Red heads the preparation committee
happyskrappy: Getting ready
happyskrappy: dead towing the land rover
happyskrappy: Answering the question of how much stuff you can fit into a Landrover and a Jeep Wrangler
happyskrappy: Alex Filling up Remington
happyskrappy: Red and Betty
happyskrappy: Trees in the mountains of Oregon
happyskrappy: Sunrise over the playa
happyskrappy: Staking out our camp space
happyskrappy: Sunrise the first morning
happyskrappy: Our campsite location
happyskrappy: preparing for a dust storm
happyskrappy: Socializing in the shade
happyskrappy: Our Camp
happyskrappy: My home for the week
happyskrappy: Moon Rising on the first night
happyskrappy: Bwann and his setup
happyskrappy: Our Street
happyskrappy: IMG_3520.JPG
happyskrappy: Steam train Art car
happyskrappy: Adventioneering
happyskrappy: Rhino Art Car!
happyskrappy: IMG_3526.JPG
happyskrappy: The Man
happyskrappy: art car!
happyskrappy: But really, where's the man?
happyskrappy: I like the bench on this one
happyskrappy: I don't remember what this was, but isn't it cool?