happy sherry: Dancer figure practice #1
happy sherry: Dancer figure practice #2
happy sherry: Dancer figure practice #3
happy sherry: Hans和毛毛煮晚餐
happy sherry: 都蘭的裸體男和狗
happy sherry: 北藝水彩課
happy sherry: Hawaii dream
happy sherry: Outdoor shower
happy sherry: Catnap
happy sherry: Jonny Cash
happy sherry: Adrian
happy sherry: Betica
happy sherry: Red square
happy sherry: Magdarena y Sebatian
happy sherry: Dignora y Alberto
happy sherry: Artistas
happy sherry: Músicos
happy sherry: Músicos
happy sherry: Centro Habana
happy sherry: Long flight
happy sherry: The yellow house
happy sherry: The cattles
happy sherry: Elephants and mahouts
happy sherry: Elephants and mahouts
happy sherry: The peddlers
happy sherry: Kandy Lake
happy sherry: Behind the lighthouse