.Delight: Fabulous Hallie on Her Wedding Day
.Delight: The Sunshine Bridge through a Dirty Windshield
.Delight: Salad in Tampa
.Delight: Turtles in Tampa
.Delight: The Grass Root Awards
.Delight: Good Reads at The Grass Root
.Delight: The Amazing Green Chair
.Delight: Marakesh at The Grass Root
.Delight: Sabrina and Spencer
.Delight: Sabrina and Spencer BW
.Delight: Spencer and Sabrina
.Delight: Jewelry Goodies at The Grass Root
.Delight: Grass Root Hand Painted Sign
.Delight: Grass Root Oragnic Restaurant
.Delight: Our Home in Tampa
.Delight: Chris and Hallie
.Delight: Live REALLY Lightly
.Delight: Catch
.Delight: What Is It
.Delight: Hallie and Sara
.Delight: Bye Bye
.Delight: Juice it Up
.Delight: Self-Service Barbershop
.Delight: For You Mama
.Delight: Life on the Road
.Delight: Dumping
.Delight: Art Projects on the Road