.Delight: Admiring Beauty
.Delight: Sweet Sunshine
.Delight: Sweetness in a Green Hat
.Delight: Portland Head Light
.Delight: Checking it All Out
.Delight: Portland Head Light from Above
.Delight: Mama and Bella Watch the Ocean
.Delight: She Likes to Jump
.Delight: Family on the Ocean
.Delight: Admiring the Doll Bed
.Delight: Cobblestone Streets with Daddy
.Delight: Strange Objects
.Delight: A Crisp and Cool Portland Afternoon
.Delight: Sucker Girl
.Delight: Blue Sky Building
.Delight: Everyone Loves Wi-Fi
.Delight: Running with the Locals
.Delight: On Daddy's Back in Freeport
.Delight: Green and Yellow Beauties
.Delight: The Colors of Freeport Maine
.Delight: Bella and Her Rock
.Delight: Best Buds
.Delight: On the Big Rock
.Delight: Autumn Flurry