.Delight: Breakfast
.Delight: Michael in his favorite spot
.Delight: Laura getting ready
.Delight: Reflections
.Delight: Baba watching photos online
.Delight: Laura and Bella Boo
.Delight: I'm gonna jump
.Delight: Chasing Bella 3
.Delight: Chasing Bella 2
.Delight: Chasing Bella 1
.Delight: Bella Love
.Delight: Jumping while watching Macy's parade
.Delight: Talking to Baba
.Delight: Scotty
.Delight: Nana cooks it up
.Delight: Dad's Turkey
.Delight: Helping Nana More
.Delight: Helping Nana
.Delight: Finished Deviled Eggs
.Delight: Setting the Table
.Delight: Scotty Solo
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 6
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 5
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 4
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 3
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 2
.Delight: Scotty and Laura Self - Portrait Series 1
.Delight: Grandma is Hungry
.Delight: Cranberry Sauce
.Delight: Sweet Potatoes