happyfamousartists: closeup of the original
happyfamousartists: art & vinyls
happyfamousartists: the author & the artwork: 90% original, 10% copy
happyfamousartists: 87% original, 13% copy...mmmm, we like this one a lot!!! :-P
happyfamousartists: 100% copy of a 9% copy - go figure! :-D
happyfamousartists: love it 100%!
happyfamousartists: heavy intellectual concept...looking great nevertheless!
happyfamousartists: pick your prefered dosage of copy...
happyfamousartists: once more our fav 13%...just can't get enough
happyfamousartists: overview on the wall
happyfamousartists: jeroen knows how to treat his guests ;-)
happyfamousartists: quickly capturing some shots of the beautiful petra
happyfamousartists: petra van noort, niels post & jeroen bosch: the stylish rotterdam trend management team
happyfamousartists: niels proudly presents 2 bags full of art
happyfamousartists: jeroen bosch's new headquarters