Happy Sleepy: Posers incoming, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Pop a wheelie, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Posers, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Veg market under a map of Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Canyonous, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Young mother, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Video game hidey hole, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Of religion, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Sadhu, Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Sadhu, Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: V is for victory, Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Durbar Square, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Teak and brick, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Smoggy, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Old and new, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Home, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Electricity tangle, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Residential corner, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Space Invader tile street art, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Temple of Alcohol, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Guarding the luggage, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Shiva temple gate, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Shiva temple, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Selling and begging in front of the Shiva temple, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Pigeons, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: A Shiva temple, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Street, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Crowded, Kathmandu, Nepal
Happy Sleepy: Corner shop, Kathmandu, Nepal