Happy Sleepy: View from Paul's apartment
Happy Sleepy: Crumbling
Happy Sleepy: The pileup, with Coliseum
Happy Sleepy: All that remains
Happy Sleepy: Washing away
Happy Sleepy: Roman forum, what's left of it
Happy Sleepy: Triumphal dome, triumphal arch
Happy Sleepy: Endless hallways, Capitoline Museum, Rome
Happy Sleepy: Glowing lights
Happy Sleepy: Busts, Capitoline Museum, Rome
Happy Sleepy: Just the essentials
Happy Sleepy: War and death and destruction
Happy Sleepy: War and death and destruction, detail
Happy Sleepy: War and death and destruction, detail
Happy Sleepy: War and death and destruction, detail
Happy Sleepy: Pocked glass distorts the view from inside the Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: View from inside the Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: View from inside the Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Prop car on a filmset in Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Filmset
Happy Sleepy: Gelato, Trestevere, Rome
Happy Sleepy: Umbrellas, Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Facades, Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Broken glass
Happy Sleepy: Blue shards
Happy Sleepy: Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Baths of Caracalla, Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy
Happy Sleepy: River Tiber, Rome, Italy