樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: 高雄出發前往日本東京,跟台灣高山說掰掰
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: 在成田機場等候轉機
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_1
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_2
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Statue of Liberty_01
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Statue of Liberty_02
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Statue of Liberty_03
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Statue of Liberty_04
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_3
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_4
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_5
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Empire State Building_6
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_01
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_02
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_03
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Chrysler Building_2
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_04
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_05
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_06
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_07
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_08
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Chrysler Building_1
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_09
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_10
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_11
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_12
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Grand Central Station_13
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Central Park_1
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Central Park_2
樂樂。樂弟。樂無窮: Central Park_3