Rebe {happy-mami}: Mirando al mar / Looking at the sea
Rebe {happy-mami}: Rincones de Galicia
Rebe {happy-mami}: Rincones de Galicia (2) (más difícil, creo)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Grandeza / Greatness
Rebe {happy-mami}: Por fin... (I) / At last... (I)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Atardece un día maravilloso / Sunset of a wonderful day
Rebe {happy-mami}: Echando de menos el mar... / Missing the sea...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Toma asiento / Take a seat
Rebe {happy-mami}: Amarrada al mar / Tied to the sea
Rebe {happy-mami}: Llévame al mar / Take me to the sea
Rebe {happy-mami}: Nuestro Robert Redford particular / Our personal Robert Redford
Rebe {happy-mami}: Día de campo / In the countryside
Rebe {happy-mami}: A Pradeira
Rebe {happy-mami}: Vida privada / Private life
Rebe {happy-mami}: ¡Echa a volar! / Fly off!
Rebe {happy-mami}: Lejos del mar / Far from the sea
Rebe {happy-mami}: Otro año vivido / Another lived year
Rebe {happy-mami}: Un año entero / A whole year
Rebe {happy-mami}: In the woods
Rebe {happy-mami}: Enjoying the journey (302/365)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Watching the sea (364/365)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Heading for summer
Rebe {happy-mami}: Reorganizándome
Rebe {happy-mami}: Bye bye October
Rebe {happy-mami}: Lighthouse
Rebe {happy-mami}: Descubriendo
Rebe {happy-mami}: By the river