Rebe {happy-mami}: Autoretrato navideño
Rebe {happy-mami}: Jugando (I) / Playing (I)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Jugando (II) / Playing (II)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Mañana es el gran día! / Tomorrow is the big day!
Rebe {happy-mami}: Jugando (IV) / Playing (IV)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Jugando (III) / Playing (III)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Colores!!!! / Colours!!!
Rebe {happy-mami}: Pasa... si te atreves... / Come in... if you dare...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Va por ustedes! / A toast to you!
Rebe {happy-mami}: ¿Medio llena o medio vacía? / Half full or half empty?
Rebe {happy-mami}: Borrón y cuenta nueva / Erase and start again
Rebe {happy-mami}: Aún queda tarta... / There's still some cake left...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Iluminas mis días grises / You illuminate my grey days
Rebe {happy-mami}: Recuerdos / Memories
Rebe {happy-mami}: Coge un número (para David) / Pick a number (for David)
Rebe {happy-mami}: Echando de menos el mar... / Missing the sea...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Ponerle puertas al campo
Rebe {happy-mami}: ¿Comunicando?
Rebe {happy-mami}: A veces llovía... / Sometimes it rained...
Rebe {happy-mami}: De corazón... / From my heart...
Rebe {happy-mami}: ... y a veces el cielo era azul / ...and sometimes the sky was blue
Rebe {happy-mami}: Desde aquí abajo... / From down here...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Necesito un descanso... / I need a break...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Llama si me necesitas... / Knock if you need me...
Rebe {happy-mami}: Escaleras para Deby / Stairs for Deby
Rebe {happy-mami}: Fuego azul / Blue fire
Rebe {happy-mami}: Tras la tormenta... / After the storm...
Rebe {happy-mami}: ¿Un café? / A coffee?
Rebe {happy-mami}: El descanso del sofá / The armchair's rest