John H Bowman: If I freeze, maybe I'll look like part of the post
John H Bowman: Garden visitor
John H Bowman: For a piece of cookie, I'll pose
John H Bowman: Barn & sheep - Bartow, WV
John H Bowman: Change of seasons
John H Bowman: Not enough to share!
John H Bowman: Mockingbird
John H Bowman: Peacock
John H Bowman: A ducky little place
John H Bowman: Here's looking at you
John H Bowman: The problem with the bird feeder
John H Bowman: If you're really tired, a log is a good pillow
John H Bowman: Pair of mallards
John H Bowman: Just kidding around
John H Bowman: . . . only a mother could love?
John H Bowman: Camouflage - frog
John H Bowman: Better camouflage - horned owl
John H Bowman: The standoff
John H Bowman: And now for something completely different . . .
John H Bowman: How about some water for this?
John H Bowman: The sentinel
John H Bowman: Busy bee
John H Bowman: Monarch butterfly
John H Bowman: Zebra longwing butterfly
John H Bowman: Rattlesnake!