Ukenaut: Flaking Paint
Ukenaut: Pickering & Mayell Ltd 42 Warehouse
Ukenaut: Pickering & Mayell Ltd, Reliance Works
Ukenaut: Night Safe
Ukenaut: Glazed
Ukenaut: Birmingham Forward - Coat of Arms, HSBC
Ukenaut: Richard's Slitscan Cam
Ukenaut: The War Stone
Ukenaut: Cross
Ukenaut: Tombstones
Ukenaut: Right lads, do him!
Ukenaut: Light, God and Telecommunications
Ukenaut: Careful now!
Ukenaut: Two Red Crosses
Ukenaut: The Queen's Arms
Ukenaut: Royal Coat of Arms, Assay Office, Birmingham
Ukenaut: MREC FR XT (2 of 2)
Ukenaut: EEGNY IEEI (1 of 2)
Ukenaut: Big Wooden Door
Ukenaut: Shadow of a reflection
Ukenaut: Pavement
Ukenaut: Why would I want to go down there though?
Ukenaut: Big Peg