hanqduong: We meet again.
hanqduong: The Pitching Hour with Bonus Game of Thrones cosplay
hanqduong: DSC_1935.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1936.jpg
hanqduong: Jermaine getting swallowed up by the crowd
hanqduong: The Pitching Hour panelists
hanqduong: Dan wanted me to take these as backup in case he botched it with his phone
hanqduong: DSC_1945.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1946.jpg
hanqduong: I have a bad McFeelin' about this!
hanqduong: Derek Hoffman @ Machinima
hanqduong: Doesn't seem tooooo crowded.
hanqduong: Ferocious J 1
hanqduong: Ferocious J 2
hanqduong: The worst con traffic was in this area
hanqduong: Live makeup demo on the floor
hanqduong: Venom can't work his camera
hanqduong: Dennis Culver in his natural habitat
hanqduong: Locking
hanqduong: DSC_1976.jpg
hanqduong: IMG_0275.jpg
hanqduong: Post Eisner Khouri
hanqduong: DSC_1980.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1981.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1982.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1983.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1988.jpg
hanqduong: DSC_1995.jpg
hanqduong: Nick is about to put someone on lockdown
hanqduong: DSC_1999.jpg