Hannhell: Winter changes familiar shapes
Hannhell: I need to go hiding...
Hannhell: Snorkmaiden!?
Hannhell: Can I come to play with you?
Hannhell: Let it snow!
Hannhell: "I think it's ready for skating, it's slippy enough and sky is reflecting on it."
Hannhell: Has anyone seen Fillyjonk's daughter?
Hannhell: "That's too tall for the house."
Hannhell: "Such wonderful adventures we had!"
Hannhell: "Come in, it's warm here!"
Hannhell: "This is the right way now, as Hattifatteners are going that way."
Hannhell: "But… wasn't this supposed to be a snowBALL machine?"
Hannhell: "Did it make us small, or enlarge the scenery?"
Hannhell: "We told her not to."
Hannhell: "There was some jam left in that jar…"
Hannhell: "Enough Moon gazing, Ninny, it's getting far too cold!"
Hannhell: Call of the wild
Hannhell: "This is quite paranormal! Sniff got scared and Sorry-Oo didn't at all!"
Hannhell: "Does your mother know that you are playing in the snow like this?"
Hannhell: "Are you proud of yourself now?"
Hannhell: "Wake me when Spring comes."
Hannhell: Edward in the Lonely Mountains
Hannhell: "How did you do that?"
Hannhell: Merry Christmas!!