Hannhell: Revoltech Jack
Hannhell: You need lots of heads!
Hannhell: Welcome to the Halloween Town!
Hannhell: I am the pumpkin King on the ape's head!
Hannhell: A Nice Nightmare Before Christmas Nightmare.. :-)
Hannhell: Bat-Fun!
Hannhell: Two heads... are better than one???
Hannhell: Revoltech Batman
Hannhell: BOO!!!!
Hannhell: What's this?
Hannhell: What is THIS?
Hannhell: Merry Xmas to Professor Xavier! :-)
Hannhell: Domo fights against monster pastry!
Hannhell: Domo wants kisses!
Hannhell: Domo-kun with his ancestor friend, Tiki!
Hannhell: "It's time to rule the world, Tiki-kun!"
Hannhell: Friends together... :-)
Hannhell: Summer-Christmas!
Hannhell: "Look at me! I rule this world!"
Hannhell: Trying to look attractive for Mister Bee
Hannhell: Zoo keeper keeps dangerous animals in cage!
Hannhell: Bye, bye, Monsieur Biscuit!
Hannhell: "What kind of leader do you mean, my dear alien?"
Hannhell: ladies' tea
Hannhell: Jack loves Sally :-)
Hannhell: "Going to eat my way out of here!"
Hannhell: Unwanted visitor wrestling with handbag!
Hannhell: Tea time!
Hannhell: Wrestling with sushi