Hannhell: What's going on here, asked Mr. Squirrel
Hannhell: "Meet my new girlfriend!", said Junior.
Hannhell: Superheroes meet!
Hannhell: No, not that chair!!!
Hannhell: Having a happy hat hullaballoo!!
Hannhell: We had so much fun at a happy hat hullabaloo...
Hannhell: "How about the rest of the grocery list I gave you?"
Hannhell: Tales of the City
Hannhell: Clearing up...
Hannhell: "Dad! Look! There is a bear in our bathtub!"
Hannhell: Box (almost) full of stuff!
Hannhell: Goodnight, little bears!
Hannhell: Sylvanian treasures!!!
Hannhell: Darwin family looking around...
Hannhell: Whose turn is it?
Hannhell: "Yeah, I'm cute!"
Hannhell: More milk?
Hannhell: How did this happened?
Hannhell: "Hello, little girl! Have an apple and lots of candies!"
Hannhell: "Where is the next thrift store? We still have some room for more treasure!"