Tropichannah_: Snow head!
Tropichannah_: Snow running.
Tropichannah_: Big head, Little head.
Tropichannah_: Bella swims
Tropichannah_: Nick, our current foster dog.
Tropichannah_: In a field with horses
Tropichannah_: hello dog
Tropichannah_: Time for bed.
Tropichannah_: Lola and sunset
Tropichannah_: 'That's my boy'
Tropichannah_: A lovely dog I met
Tropichannah_: Mullins Hill
Tropichannah_: Nick and Lola in Shanganagh park!
Tropichannah_: foxy and her surogate mother
Tropichannah_: scan0021
Tropichannah_: Feet..hoofs
Tropichannah_: scan0028
Tropichannah_: DSC_0596