Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Red light? What light...?
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-10
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: The great flag of Angkor
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Ex-classroom/toture cell
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-14
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Pol Pot and his 'brothers'
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-19
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Whoa...whoa...nah still good
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-21
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Hmmm, warm oranges in plasticy goodness
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-23
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Sugar cane juice in a bag!
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-25
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-26
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: PhnomPenh-Vietnam-27
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: They have human form but their hearts are demon's hearts
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Someone's water supply...yum
Hannah and Seamus Round the World: Sihanoukville, sunbeds everywhere