Ms. Palindrome: American alligator at the Bronx Zoo
Ms. Palindrome: Silly bear
Ms. Palindrome: It's spring and I'm in love
Ms. Palindrome: Make love
Ms. Palindrome: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
Ms. Palindrome: I'm feeling good
Ms. Palindrome: The tulips are too red in the first place
Ms. Palindrome: Sunset blur
Ms. Palindrome: You're all kinds of beautiful as you end my day
Ms. Palindrome: The season's change was a conduit
Ms. Palindrome: You think you'll be happy if granted one more wish
Ms. Palindrome: I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way
Ms. Palindrome: There are some days...
Ms. Palindrome: Just hear this and then I'll go
Ms. Palindrome: How about a Coke?
Ms. Palindrome: Have I found you, flightless bird?
Ms. Palindrome: I don't blame you anymore
Ms. Palindrome: Enjoy life
Ms. Palindrome: All these songs about rain
Ms. Palindrome: Where is my hypothetical point A?
Ms. Palindrome: Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Ms. Palindrome: When will I feel all soft on the inside?
Ms. Palindrome: It may seem like a stretch
Ms. Palindrome: Other things may change us, but we start and end with family
Ms. Palindrome: Maybe I would've been something you'd be good at
Ms. Palindrome: I saw my first angel and it was you
Ms. Palindrome: The whole world loves you if you're a chic chameleon
Ms. Palindrome: A lot of hours to occupy