Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon juggling snow
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug:
EuroMech Conference
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon writing up
Haxxah and KraZug:
Treasure deciding there are more interesting things to investigate!
Haxxah and KraZug:
Treasure losing interest in the PhD
Haxxah and KraZug:
Treasure losing interest in the PhD
Haxxah and KraZug:
Treasure reading Simon's PhD
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon writing PhD before breakfast
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon writing PhD in the afternoon
Haxxah and KraZug:
The finished article
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon with his PhD
Haxxah and KraZug:
Proof that they've got it!
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon's finished thesis :D :D :D
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon's finished thesis :D :D :D
Haxxah and KraZug:
Simon's finished thesis :D :D :D
Haxxah and KraZug:
Keele Hall
Haxxah and KraZug:
Keele Hall
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug:
Haxxah and KraZug: