Uno Lin: Setting up at Swedish embassy at Roppongi, Tokyo
Uno Lin: overview of our HDK stand!
Uno Lin: Sweden Kids Week! Tokyo here I came"!
Uno Lin: Exploring!
Uno Lin: Design department professor and student from University
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: 園長 of the Empuku International Kindergarten/ 円福幼稚園
Uno Lin: Family visitors interact with "Everchanging Scenery"
Uno Lin: Curiosity!
Uno Lin: making the small world bigger!
Uno Lin: Focus
Uno Lin: Interaction between parents and children
Uno Lin: a beauty for Everyone!
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: HDK stand
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: playing!
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: Interactive learning and playing!
Uno Lin: new object for children to learn, play and explore!
Uno Lin: "wow! What is that??"
Uno Lin: Exploring with lots of possibilities!
Uno Lin: Surprising!
Uno Lin: Focusing and thinking
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: a Beautiful and interesting object for adults as well
Uno Lin: Hej baby!
Uno Lin: "Everchanging Scenery" at Tokyo!
Uno Lin: a very curious kid!
Uno Lin: Trying differently!